Our Founder

Rocío Ruvalcaba

Businesswoman, Wellness and Longevity Coach

Rest expert.

She began researching sleep and rest after suffering from maintenance insomnia for almost a year, leading her to create the Glook deep rest method with which she helps people who suffer from insomnia sleep better.

About us

We are a Mexican company founded in 2021 that seeks to raise awareness about the impact that overexposure to blue lights has on our health and deep rest. We currently operate in Mexico, Colombia and Chile. Likewise, we seek to inform about the consequences that a bad rest has on all levels of our health through our blog and social networks.

According to international studies, the average exposure of Latin Americans to blue lights emitted by electronic devices is 6 to 8 hours. Adding to that the hours of exposure to artificial lighting, the average increases to 12 hours, that is half of the day. Furthermore, according to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 50% of the world's population suffers from some type of insomnia and the presence of cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, metabolic diseases, type II obesity, and even cancer is increasing; all of them related to a deficiency in rest and altered sleep patterns.

Glook eyewear not only offers lenses with blue light blocking technology, it also seeks to protect people's overall health, bringing this knowledge closer to the public through sleep mentoring, through specialized e-books and informative content on networks.
